Year Group Information
At Birchwood High School, students are organised in form groups, with a tutor who stays with them during their five years. Tutors are the first point of contact for students and parents & carers. They see the form every day at morning registration and are able to monitor progress, achievement and behaviour, and intervene to support students when necessary. Tutors get to know students as individuals and are there to support them in times of difficulty.
Whilst tutors will deal with minor issues to do with achievement and behaviour, Heads of Year will deal with more serious or prolonged concerns.
Year 7
Head of Year: Mr R Edwards![](/_site/data/files/images/FC1288E594A26F22695201775A5FAA50.JPG)
7SCE: Mr S Campaigne
7DCN: Mr D Cocklin & Mr R Loveday
7MRY: Mr M Reilly
7CTE: Mrs C Tooze & Mr R Newman
7GBN: Mr G Bowman
7DHR: Mr D Harper
7ACO: Mrs A Collyer & Mrs C Peet
7NMY: Ms N Montgomery
Year 8
Head of Year: Mrs E Hinski![](/_site/data/files/images/4F7DEE57BF0C4A42D4776D7CDA115001.JPG)
8ABE: Miss A Braybrooke
8ECP: Mrs E Cramp
8JBD: Mr J Budd
8TKA: Miss T Kara
8DSS: Mr D Summers
8BMJ: Mrs B Jennings
8GOE: Mrs G Osborne
8SWE: Miss S White & Mrs S Feather Levey
Year 9
Head of Year: Mr R Noblett![](/_site/data/files/images/F2115CCAB24DC69B3BFB7D1A703608A7.JPG)
9RGD: Mrs R Goddard
9GES: Miss G Edwards
9MCS: Miss M Clements
9KAN: Dr K Allen
9ALX: Miss A Lennox
9WSK: Mr W Stock
9DKE: Mrs D Kee Rose & Mrs J Rowland
9FMN: Mrs F Morgan Wren & Mrs E Bulman
Year 10
Head of Year: Miss C Munro![](/_site/data/files/images/E4767A153DEC0E33C98192C79C3E733D.JPG)
10CCO: Mr C Cusumano
10NDE: Miss N Dale
10EJS: Mr E Jankovski
10ARE: Miss A Rolfe & Mr D Hildrew
10CHT: Mr C Hannant
10MGN: Mr M Grogan
10ABS: Mrs A Burgess & Mrs S Ackerman
10CHD: Mrs C Holland
10SCD: Mr S Creed
Year 11
Head of Year: Mr M Loney![](/_site/data/files/images/07E44A36600CB58C871038CB1793A8B6.JPG)
11CSO: Mrs C Sieczko & Mrs T Mumford
11CPD: Mrs C Pressland
11BMN: Mrs B McEwan Smith
11SHL: Mr S Hill
11MAS: Ms M Adams
11JLE: Miss J livermore
11DPN: Mrs D Parkyn
11SAS: Miss S Adams & Mrs K Mangin-Griffiths
Sixth Form
12JHD: Mr J Hipwood
12MMH: Mrs M McDonagh
12MSR: Mr M Sabur
12AKC: Mr A Kadlec
12CPZ: Mrs C Perez & Mrs K Jones
13CLE: Miss C Lalonge
13ABT: Mr A Barratt
13EDH: Mrs E Dervish & Mrs K Jones
13LPT: Mrs L Perret
13JLW: Mrs J Law & Mrs K Davies